The caring people of Elmhurst unite to provide compassionate assistance to people in need in our community.
How we can help
If you have been a resident of Elmhurst for at least 90 days, have children in an Elmhurst school, or belong to a covenant church in Elmhurst, you are are eligible for assistance.
Elmhurst puts the FUN into our community fundraiser!
Sunday, August 31st, 2025 noon - 7pm
‘Cue for a Cause is the most delicious fundraiser in town! Competitors roll up their sleeves and roll out their grills to see who can deliver the winning barbecue. While teams work to prove they are the masters of the backyard grill, attendees at this family friendly event cheer them on, enjoy live music, raffles, entertainment, good food and drink.
Phone: 630-782-6006
125 W Church St
Elmhurst, IL 60126
Elmhurst Walk-In Assistance Network is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization EIN 31-1650035
Regular Hours:
10 AM - NOON
Summer Hours (June-July):
Holiday hourS & Map
Image attribution: Free Icons Library
Web site issues: contact webmaster